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Monday, January 28, 2013

Why Quilts Matter

There are numerous reasons why quilts matter to me. Quilts are an outlet for creativity, a voice where no words are needed, a tactile expression of care, a link to the past and a peek at the future.

Darra Williamson's most recent post on her website Why Quilts Matter, includes my winning quilts from the Road to California competition. Yeah, I already posted about this earlier but it bears repeating!
(detail of Rare Birds)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Road to California Winners

Check this link for the incredible 2013 Road to California winners. Two of my quilts made the list.
Chromatic Transitions received 1st place Traditional Wall Applique and
Rare Birds received 3rd place Innovative Wall Mixed.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Fabric Plus

Sometimes a quilt needs a little something besides fabric to liven it up. Fabric plus paint is used here. The "lace" is painted through a paper doily.
Fabric plus yarn is illustrated below with a yarn binding.
Fabric plus yarn (a single ply) is couched down for the corn silk in this piece.
Fabric plus beads and a tassel enhance the box perched on the books.
Fabric plus a computer and printer results in the images on fabric shown in this quilt.