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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Road to California Winners

Check this link for the incredible 2013 Road to California winners. Two of my quilts made the list.
Chromatic Transitions received 1st place Traditional Wall Applique and
Rare Birds received 3rd place Innovative Wall Mixed.


Unknown said...

First place is quite impressive! Congrats!

joy4candles said...

Rachel, this quilt is amazing! I just saw it in the newest "Quilt" magazine. Do you have a pattern for sale? By the way, I too am from St. Charles! But I moved north with my husband a few years ago. My parent's just recently sold their home there and followed us! STC will always be my hometown! ~ Heather

Rachel said...

Heather, I'm way behind on responding to your comment. Nice to hear from a fellow St Charles person. Thanks so much for your kind comments but sorry, these are both original quilts with no patterns available.