Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Yellow Stuff

My "Happy Chappy" rose. I have two of these bushes.
"Who would have thought it possible that a tiny little flower could preoccupy a person so completely that there simply wasn't room for any other thought." - Sophie Scholl
This quote intruiged me so I found out more about the author. Sophia Magdalena Scholl (1921 – 1943) was a German student, active within the White Rose non-violent resistance group in Nazi Germany. She was convicted of high treason after having been found distributing anti-war leaflets at the University of Munich with her brother Hans. As a result, they were both executed by guillotine. Sobering. Horrific. I stopped to count my blessings and really look at my rose. Enjoy these other lovelies blooming in my yard.

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