Friday, September 23, 2011

Tropical Radiance in Quilter's Newsletter

Tropical Radiance is a cover girl on the Oct/Nov issue of Quilter's Newsletter!

Check out the article starting on page 58.

See my July 29, 2010 post for other photos and comments.


  1. Wow, you even gave me credit for helping with this fantastic quilt! Thank you!

  2. Credit where due. It would not be the same quilt without your expert advice, Ann.

  3. Hi Rachel, I just read the article and LOVED it! (QN is my "sit by the bed and enjoy in small increments" kind of magazine, hence a late discovery - new QN is here already!). I really enjoy when someone writes about the DESIGN process - I think about that a lot and even started writing my own a bit. The sentence that made my day is "designing is an experience to be lived more than a task to be completed." SO TRUE. Thank you so much for a wonderful Sunday morning read!
    Marija in Buffalo, NY
