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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Moral Compass

The central compass represents love, a moral compass for life. Eight smaller compasses depict other virtues such as joy, peace and patience.

This quilt dates from 2000. Having hung in an office with fluorescent lighting for many of those years, one particular fabric faded quite a bit. It's the burgundy fabric at the very top left of this detail shot.

Fabric pen to the rescue! FabricMate had a chisel tip pen in just the right crimson color to refresh the fabric. I was able to re-color all the pieces made of that fabric, being extra careful along the edge of each piece so I wouldn't slop over onto the adjoining piece. The quilt is (almost) as good as new.


Unknown said...

I always wanted to try them, but was afraid. Now that I see you used the markers on your masterpiece I will differently buy some. Thanks for the tip. I love your quilt. It really inspires me.

Rachel said...

Hi Diane, Yeah, I was hesitant to try the markers but I figured what did I have to lose? They worked out nicely and the quilt looks refreshed. Good luck.

Unknown said...

Hi Rachel! I just wanted to say that I am absolutely in LOVE with this quilt. I have been preparing to do my own and have picked fabrics, etc. Spent the last few weeks searching for the perfect pattern. Do you have/know of a pattern for this somewhere? Also, can you explain which of the other 8 compass' mean what? Thank you in advance! I look forward to hearing from you!

Linda Young said...

I truly love your quilt "The Moral Compass" and would love to make one. Is the pattern available and where can I get it. I think it is worthy of being gifted as a Quilt of Valor or Quilt of Honor and have someone special in mind to make one for. Then will need to make one for me.

Unknown said...

I would love to make your "Moral Compass" quilt. Where can I find the pattern?

Unknown said...

Hi Rachel, I love this Compass quilt and especially more now that I know what it means. an you please tell me where to find the pattern. Thanks Kathy

Anonymous said...

Rachel, This quilt is beautiful. Upon seeing it, my husband said he would love for me to make it. Where might I find the pattern? I would love to create one.

Unknown said...

We want to buy your Moral Compass pattern! Please make it available!