Saturday, February 19, 2011

Branching Out

Left to my natural inclination I would always design a symmetrical quilt, and often one with radial symmetry. But one day I pushed myself to branch out into the uncharted territory of asymmetrical design. This is what I came up with.

For the entire quilt I chose to use each fabric for only piece. For example, this flower is made with five wine colored fabrics (same overall look but different fabrics). It adds interest.


  1. Rachel,
    When did you make this one? It's great. Because of the asymetry it is very interesting to look at and study.

  2. This is an oldie. Made in 2002. I was surprised when it won Best Pictorial, Traditional at PIQF in '03. But that was its one and only recognition.

  3. Wow, it is beautiful! Love the color, the movement and flow, the shapes and form, the texture... everything!!! Thank you for sharing it.
