Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tropical Radiance

Tropical Radiance returned home today from Quilt Odyssey in Hershey, PA with a Second Place award in the Pieced Wall Quilt Category. You can't see it but there's a smile on my face.

Primarily constructed using a traditional block "The Palm" (modified for paper piecing) the design emerges from color and value placement within each block.

Often I assemble the back from fabrics leftover from the front of the quilt.

Orange is prominent in this quilt and a couple of the fabrics feature jack-o-lanterns. This close up shows quilting in the shape of banana leaves in keeping with the tropical theme.


  1. I love the banana leaves that you quilted.. I quilted similar leaves on one of my flower quilts.. I guess the leaves were more of a large leaved philodendron. And I had so much fun quilting them.

  2. Thanks, Laura. I also quilted orchids as they grow wild in the tropics.

  3. Wonderful Blog Rachel; you do such beautiful work! I also Love the color yellow; when I need that special something to make things pop!; oftentimes it is yellow!
